Saturday, October 21, 2006

Time Traveller's Wife

When I recommend Time Traveller's Wife to friends, the review I got back from people were pretty good, so far. IMHO, I really think its a nice good, the way the book was written. I like the book. I'm not exactly a great support of romance stories but this is not exactly a romance book. Even as I'm reading this book, I was thinking that if they could possibly put it on the silver screen. And with reading Da Vinci Code, the same things come to my mind. In a book, its so much easier to put in referencing for reading, explaination the history or the theory or whatsoever its going to be in it. However the author had to control over it as well. Too much of it might ended making the book like a whitepaper or thesis, like Christ Clone Trilogy I read. However, on the silver screen, it was even a harder thing to do. The Da Vinci Code movie did quite a good job though I still felt that the movie is still lacking. And now they had to do a reverse chronology of the adventure of Robert Langdon. Oh, did I mention that I still had not quite acceptted as Tom Hanks as him. And now Hollywood is going to bring Time Traveller's Wife to the silver screen. But guess gotta wait till 2008 before we can see anything.


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