Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Its been a long long while!

My last entry was so ancient ago. Someone asked me if my blog was dead. I said nope. Its just that for each day that I'm not writing it down, the amount of things to write gets longer and longer, and then when I think about writing them, I got very tired. Just like work, its piling up if you ever stop for that little coffee break. so maybe this is the starter and I will catch up on it real soon.

Saw this thing this morning. Amazing! Tempting design!

And it so totally remind me of this which is coming to a cinema near you soon.

I wonder if it will get too hot sitting in that panda chair. And then I saw this amazing design yesterday!

Another great temptation for me to waste my moolah on. Sighz. I'm so broke.


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