Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Why am I sponsoring the wedding?

Wedding, the ceremony that celebrate the beginning of the marriage of two person. For the chinese, it is a common practice to have a wedding dinner to inform everyone your suffering joy. And most often as always, it is also customary to give a gift to the wedding couple, its significant been your congratulation and blessing to their joyous tie-ing.

I had once got into an argument with someone on the wedding gift. First of all, if you serious about wanting me to be there, then does it matter how much I give you in the little gift called the Red Packet or angpow or hongbao. Of course I am happy for the couple, unless and of course that someone snatch away the other someone whom I actually bed, then its a different story.

Wedding dinner used to be a sign for the wedding couple and their parents to inform people whom they want to inform about their joyous tie-ing. If the family want it to be grand and have it as some really posh place, then so be it. However, how come the bundle of this grandness has been throw to the invited guests? If the gift is a little too small, the couple are very likely to grumble, though might not be directly in your face. If its too big, my wallet is not too happy about it, and neither will I.

So that will lead us to the question of The guest is actually sponsoring your wedding dinner? Do you not think so? If this not so, then do not make any noise about the gift, and saying things like it cannot cover my cost of the table. What farking cost? Are you making moolah out of me for your wedding? And if I really am one of the sponsors, do the couple should think about finding a convenient place to host their wedding? And not have it at some ulu-er than the forsaken western part of Sillypore? A friend once told me, wedding dinner are not for couple nor the family. Its for the invited guest. How very true that statement is.

Sadly, I have yet to learn to just put newspaper into the gift or a really small token.

My poor wallet.


Blogger Little Chilli Padi said...

Haha bo bian one lah....U will have your turn!!

27/7/05 04:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some called it revenge so u can collect back the angpow from those ppl u have given.. but let's not get carried away and forget the extras that come along

27/7/05 09:47  

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