Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Home sweet home

Young Melanie: What do you want to marry me for anyhow?
Young Jake: So I can kiss you anytime I want.
Great quote, I must say. Taken out from Sweet Home Alabama. Well, it did premier on Channel 5 on X'mas day. Premier my arse. Imagine premier-ing a movie that is nearly 3 years old. How nice. This could jolly well be the reason by people turn to download movies and dramas. Ok, I'm not suggesting that I support piracy, but I'm just saying that it is the situation that creates it.Somehow I think Reese Witherspoon's image in Legally Blond pretty much etch into my memory. So somehow I still see the Elle Woods character in Sweet Home Alabama. Nonetheless, its still a nice movie for those in need of some honey in the hearts.

Back to the quotes. Dunch you think your girl might just be sweep off her feet on hearing that? Nay, I doubt so but still, I think it could pretty well used to counter attack replying your sweet darlin' on why you love her. Isn't that one of the most asked and most dun-feel-like-answering question between a pair of lovebirds?

Sort of remind me when the first time I ask this girl that I really like for many years out back a long time ago when the moon was still blue, and she did say yes, but only to call me back 10 mins later to cancel it. Man I thought I almost bang my head through the walls. Looking back now, even if today I ask her to go out, that is even if I even bother to pick up the phone to call her, I will probably be emotionless and unresponsive even if she were to say nay. Afterall, time did wash a lot of things away... As the wise old man always says, time will etch away your wound, I think.

Had a conversation with a friend a while back and somehow Jessica Alba wondered into our conversation. Man was she hot. We both agreed to that, no doubt about it. The last few movies that I had watched starring her simply just boost her career into a hot babe lady image. Honey. Sin City. Fantastic Four. Into The Blue. Of course she does more than those but too bad I haven't really notice her till I watch Honey. Half the time she was in hot bikini in Into The Blue and that movie hasn't really sink that low. One review written for it simply just don't justify it. Afterall reviews are always written by human and dependable on the reviewer's taste. Someone wrote a crap review on Chronicle of Narnia a while back on the local free paper. Based on what he had written, I'm pretty sure he has not read the book, if not he does not understand the gist of it. Into The Blue is not a great movie but it isn't a too bad movie either. Those who love babes and diving would most probably like this movie.

Then I mentioned about how Sue Storm, the hot babe character in Fantastic Four falls for an old man character like Reed Richards. But of course, he pointed out that its such things that give folks like us (me and him) hopes for the future and our dating life and our dream babes.

ps : that guy is happily attached with a cute girl and looking at buying flat.


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