Monday, December 04, 2006


Sunday. A day of rest. Even big brother up there also said its holy sabbath, so we shall all rest. However, because of some plans with a couple of like-minded friends to go up to our neighbor's territory for some shopping and cheap food, so ended up waking up early. Its considered sinful for me to wake up so early on a sunday. What to do? This was in fact the first time I joined this group of like-minded friends after numerous invitation by them. Just when I was about to step out of the my place, got a call from one of the like-minded friends that the triped was postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. Its a suspected circumstance that we thought might happened, and it really did. I guess probably the trip wasn't meant to happen.

So we changed plans and headed down to chinatown area for some dimsum. Its was only then I realised that my area was affected due to the marathon. Road closures led to disruption to bus services. And the worst part, no one put up any bus disruption notification at those bus stops, other than some big yellow board along some lamppost, stating the road closure. While waiting at the bus stops, can hear this auntie complaining very loudly about why not clear clarification at the bus stop, let people waste time waiting at the bus stop. How come my area was always affected by this and that?

So had to walk some distance to catch a bus (taking a cab in a jam was as good as throwing moolah into the drain), traveled along a very packed and crowded, and jumped off(literally) at the nearest train station to get myself to chinatown. This was actually a direct bus to the place but with the terrible jam, changing mode of transportation was a better option.

So finally settled down and had my dimsum. Yummy. As usual, we just do random topics and then somehow we were ended up talking about some might-be famous ancestors. Then I had , Jiang Ziya(姜姓,吕氏,名望,字子牙,也称吕尚), Empress Lü (呂雉), Lü Meng (呂蒙), Lü Bu (呂布), Lu Buwei (吕不韦). And then there was this. And yeah, indeed how very true. A lesson learnt with many lives, but a lesson used by history.


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