Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Friend :
  1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
  2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
  3. a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile:
  4. a member of the same nation, party, etc.
  5. (a member of the Religious Society of Friends; a Quaker.
People come, people go. So many people enter one's life in the entire lifespan. Some leave a longer lasting impression. Some leave no mark at all, almost without sign of existence. Some are close. Some are just brushing past. Some take the effort to be a really personal friend. Some just hang it around the mouth.

A wise old man said before, one may encounter many friends in life, but really good and best of friends are handful and hard to come by. As I said in for salsa before, a person who dance for a few years doesn't exactly means the person is a very good dancer. I had seen people who had dance for years and still have very poor dance etiquette or been good dancer. I guess the same thing goes for a friend. Knowing someone for a longer period of time doesn't exactly fit one in as being a good friend of that person. Old time friend doesn't mean good friend either. See how a person remember or does things for you could exactly tell you so much about that friendship.

Isn't it weird that people you hang out with more often cannot remember things while people whom you hardly see or meet in a year can remember. Just sort of weird. Afterall, that does tell a lot of the relationship between the two person.

Some things need not be said nor explain but apparently, the same thing can be viewed by different people in a thousand and one ways. I remember back a long time ago when I used to hang around with this group of friends whom we will spent our time around talking gossiping. We used to be laughing at people who was kind of cheehong chasing skirts. Many many skirts. We joked that as long as a hole exist, the person would just wacked. Apparently, I seemed to have gotten myself that reputation of chasing many skirts. I thought I'm been discreet already but a dinner appointment means I'm chasing skirt? And when I don't date any skirts and hang around with male friends, I had people asking other people if my interest pointed in the other direction. WTF?

I knew. You could never satisfied everyone and you only need to be happy with yourself and answerable to yourself. But seems like girls seems to enjoy sharing their trophies? Discussing who is trying to themselves? Probably just me. I pretty much preferred to keep my private life very private. But at least I now knew that I cannot trust some people out there. Afterall, the famous phrase from the hit series, X-files, back in the 90s said it all. Trust No One.


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