Are you famous?
After dinner, went over to Grand World City for a walk. Dinner was a little too filling. So moving up the escalator from the carpark, my friend was looking at this girl and talking about her to the beau. So I asked who is she. Some mediacorp artist? Since she worked in Mediacorp, I guess most likely that person was. She was a mediacorp artist. Acted in dunno what drama. Well, I had not watch any local drama production since.. since I got broadband at home back before Y2K.
I looked at her, think for a second, then turned back to my friend and said that I did not recognised her. Even if I was not watching much TV and if I could not notice her, that probably meant she was not famous enough. ^^\/ She was laughing out loud, agreeing with me. Who was she? I cannot mention it here, in case I get sued. I scared lor. I pok-ed already. No moolah look for lawyer. I can only says she's skinny and tried to walk with a perky butt but there just isn't enough flesh on it to make it look delicious. And no, I don't like fat butt. And I think she acted in the drama Holland V and the current one showing on Channel 8.
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