Saturday, January 15, 2005

i am so the wrong, or am i not?

A friend pointed out to me that my hokkien is wrong. I shall make an assumption that her hokkien si bey hor! Why leh, coz I did not graduate from the family clan hokkien school.

So my topic for my previous post shld be "lang sway suay jih qi jiao bih bian kway guay". Shame on me, 2 of 6 correct only. I must be a successful product of the "Speak Mandarin" compagin.

Somehow at home, scanning deep down in my memory, I seriously do not recall my parents speaking to me in their native dialect tongue. My sibling and I grew up speaking mandarin only. I recalled pretty well that my grandmom always called me "hokkien lang buay hiao kong hokkien wey" (a hokkien who cannot speak hokkien).

So I only learn my hokkien from school mates! Would you believe it, and best of all, the first few words I was taught are ccb and knn! How great. All these big words are put to good use when you join the army, becoming almost part of your daily conversation. Now, who says u never learn things from army?

Went to a friend's granny wake this yesterday evening. A friend whom I have not met for a long time. And to actually have to meet up with friends you have not seen in a while at such a place. And this is not my first time.

So had a little conversation with him. Too bad he's too busy doing all the ritual, and trying to entertain this group of friends and another group of friends. So he ask me if I'm going to salsa after this, and I go "nop, I dun like to do anything on friday nite now".

This got me thinking. How life has changes at each different stage. First we will club till you drop on saturday during your teenage/army days. Then later when I come out to work, it changes to going out on friday night, and clubbing on saturday night. Then it becomes clubbing on friday night and saturday night becomes a night for meeting up with single friends, either for dinner, coffee session or even movies. And now? Clubbing is even out of the question. I cannot even recall when is the last time I have gone for a serious clubbing. The closest I get is meeting up with friends on New Year Eve 2003 and drink ourselves pissed drunk. I salsa and I do not consider that as clubbing. ^^\/

And who knows, maybe the next time it will become cheap beer at void deck and become uncle by those sexy beer aunties.


Blogger nonex said...

hahaha u old liao lah :X

16/1/05 19:44  

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