Wednesday, June 01, 2005

adventure cum treasure hunting cum ancient history

I'm such a sucker for stories or almost anything that is related to adventure cum treasure-hunting cum ancient history/relics/civilization.

Harrison Ford's Indiana Jones trilogy is good one. I love it. And after 15 years, they are making another sequel to it. So afterall, the last crusade is not exact the last crusade. But who cares, I will wait for it.

In recent time that my dear goldfish memory can recall, there's National Treasure. Its not as good but at least give me some time to kill. National Treasure was something close to Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, touching on similar topic but not exactly there. And of coz I will be so waiting for the release of the movie. I hope I wont get disappointed. In fact, I always wonder why they never consider Angels and Demon first before filming Da Vinci Code. Maybe its plot that is too political on the religon? Then again, since when did ethnics ever pose as a problem for hollywood?

And of course there's silly but funny Sahara. Its not as ancient but still, its silly and funny and a fair bit of treasure hunting. I'm probably going to get bomb for saying this but I do enjoy a fair bit of Lora Croft 1 and 2. I know, its stupid, its mindless, its crap but hey, we haven't have a really decent treasure hunting cum adventure cum ancient shit for a long time. Hokkien has a saying boh herh hei mah hor (无鱼虾也好 which means when there's no fish, prawns will do fine). And I swear I'm watching for the thin as sheet plot, nothing to do with the 36C 36D. I swear! And beside, I'm no big fan of Angelina Jolie.

When you can get the satisfaction in movies, you wack on the novels. Beside Angels and Demon and Da Vinci Code
, there is Rule of Four referred to as the next Da Vinci Code. But I think so not. It is a class of its own, a unique way of telling the story, except its damn slow! That is my only complain, but its still is good. I'm almost done with the book. Almost, latest by tomorrow, I hope. I'm slow in my reading coz I mostly read while travelling, waiting for people who are late for appointment, and just before I sleep doze off. It still mostly done on travelling and worst, my travelling time are short in most cases, too short. Then again, its not worth it to increase my travelling time just so I can do my reading.

Did I mention that I hate travelling on the bus and train but love to travel to see the world.

Now I wonder what I should be starting next. More Dan Brown? David Eddings? Someone whom I have been dying to start his books since more than 10 years ago but never got the time to start it. Oh, ebook is the way to good. As long as I have my mobile, I can read. -smile-


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*pats godson* Maybe it's just a Singaporean thing... I mean, what the hell?! Why can't you have hobbies which are just that? Why must it be because if you're single, then all your hobbies must be for one aim in mind? >.< I really dislike that mentality, as if settling down is the be all and end all of life. When happens when you do find someone? Aren't you allowed to have other hobbies? You can't spend your time snuggled up in bed all day, right? :P ~Godmom

10/6/05 11:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is the mates that i have. common mentality among others. too used to it already. life just carries on and there isn't many times in life that you will say that being single is really good now, consider all these moolah-spending hobbies

10/6/05 11:42  

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