Thursday, May 19, 2005

A walk down memory lane I : b-l-o-g

What are blog?
a personal Web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log, Weblog; also called blog
Many years ago, I was already thinking of setting up my own site to pen down my thoughts. I have many things running through my mind. And I forgotten them too easily just as well. I'm blaming the liquor and the mobile and the lack of sleep.

It is more than just about penning my thoughts. Not just to share with others, mainly friends in mind but also to like a form of diary, which I will look back again in times to come. Back when I'm thinking about blog, or rather, I call it a personal website then cause I have not come across this word, and not too sure if it has existed already then.

Just a few years back, I started to hear about existence of the word blog and people around me are getting into it. And soon it become the very next in thing then and still is now. Anything on the local papers are very out. By the time they report them in the papers, the existance of big names like mr brown have exist for eons in the blogsphere.

Lazy is my between-first-and-middle name. So my blog was never started for many years, and many train of thoughts lost, overrun, crash, drop, disappear. It just never did. I even took up the effort to setup an account on Livejournal but the entry just never got started. Not even a test entry. Only when I got my fat arse down, or was it up, to middle earth. I finally got it started. Wanna document my journey. And yeah, I have complaints that people thought I was lost since I entry suddenly stopped. Will update it after I manage to recall it.

Oh, of coz I'm talking about modern middle earth, and not the ancient one. If I ever get to the visit the ancient Middle Earth, I swear I will bring tons of HDD along me with me and snap away like there is not tomorrow. Then watch out for a photo of a fire-breathing dragon, if I dun get toasted first. Or even virgin nymph bathing by the river, with sunlight breaking through the clouds, and the unicorn next to her. Now, I believe that can be a breath-taking shot. It sure will take my breathe away. I'm referring to the unicorn lah.

So that is how my little closet blog started. And still it takes effort to continue........

But nowadays, you are seeing people shutting down their blog. Why? Just today, doing some casual surfing, bump into a blog entry, and it is talking about shutting down her blog. Her blog seems to be revealing too much about her inner thoughts. So she is saying that it is hurting herself and her friends.

But I ask you, then why you start writing all your inner thoughts in the first place? Remember that the internet is an open space. If you dowan people reading your thoughts, dun write online. Nothing cannot really be googled. Just know your right combo, you got your results. Even when I started my blog, I did not really inform a lot of people, except a handful of personal friends. After a while, even people whom I did not inform someone will still bump into it, and people whom I thought stop reading my blog was suddenly reading it again. Surprised.

So nowadays, blogging has become one in thing that what does it do for you? Why do you blog? Some writes well. Some writes very funny stuffs. Some writes inner thoughts. Some write so sophiscated that I catch no ballz. And good hits goes to sexy blogs. Dun ask me where. Go google your answer.

Just a while back, some big daddies are writing about how to increase hits to your site. But why are you doing this? You blog to show that you are kool? You blog to catch the babes? You blog to be part of a bigger group? You blog to entertain people?

I see a few trends, some common tactics in increasing your hits.

  1. Fark some big daddies and mamas big time. Spot all the flaws and fark at all the flaws. You are likely to be linked very fast by the big daddies mamas.
  2. Write technical support article, even better than those on the original help that comes with the product or services.
  3. Have your name mention by the daddies and mamas by ways to having them knowing you.
  4. Change your way of writing. Be funny. Be very funny. Funny until you got sex offer.
  5. Kena farked by time by the law, MP, ministers. Confirm, guarantee + chop that everyone, if not most, will check you out.
  6. Sex. Oh yeah, it sells well. 5000 years before and 5000 years later. No change.
So think about how you are going to increase your hits, if you are too free. Think more about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, i just happen to surf through your blog and find this entry interesting.

I started blogging year 2003. Initially I blogged only for myself.I wrote down all my inner thoughts that you don't normally tell the people.

Then when I started forming virtual friends, I have to admit I became more cautious. Honestly I can't say I'm just writing for myself now. Partly I am but partly I also consider the readers too. I don't want to bore them by telling them the usual stuff that only interest me. There. That's my opinion.

19/5/05 21:00  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just surfing and found your link from one of those blogs that I read. :) - milktea

20/5/05 12:25  

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