Monday, January 17, 2005

life about free gift

Free gift is not exactly free afterall. As they always say, there is no such thing as free lunch. If you go shopping, and you did your maths really well, its just all marketing strategies to CONvince you that it is indeed free.

Attending wedding can become quite a drag for many of us, especially single personnels past the quarter century *fox century drum roll* border line. As a friend would tell me, "hey, cheer up! Dun think of the money lah, be happy for your friend!". Yeah I know lor, of coz happy for him lah, esp the wedding, in most cases are paid by the attendees. And of coz and unless you are getting those table are past a grand a table, else you are unlikely to lose money.

Indeed, cheer up. I am. I look forward to the tibits they serve to me, I look forward to the door gifts that comes with it. Isn't it amazing that everyone is trying to make their big day a special one, for both the couple and the guests.

Most common you get are chocolates. I think maybe these are the easiest to be supplied and everyone, almost everyone, loves chocolate. As usual, if my table is not filled up, I will be openning up the "unseated" space nice little box of chocolate. Shiok leh! Eat chocolate, little things that make you happy. *la la la* Afterall, you pay a big angpow at the wedding.

Things I have seen so far, teddybear(once), chocolate(almost all the time), fruit cake(once only), chopstick(im sooooo excited), little decorative gift custom order from I-cant-remember-where, and the most amusing one is the candle. Yeah, you heard me, candles.

Wah lau! Dunno why that army friend of mine give candle!? Some more not even aroma therapy type lor! Sighz, he must be helping the government to do the more babies campaign. Kinky man, thinking what you can do with those candles.

Increase in kinkiness will leads to the increase in sexual desires. Sexual desires will leads to more sex. More sex means more chances of misfire. Misfire means MORE BABY. Now, does that all just simple mathematics? What theory again? Must be relative, must be relative. Or was it some star wars theory.

And I did mention that chopstick is my favourite. Why? Being a single and staying alone, I do not see the need to have more than a pair of chopstick nor spoon nor fork. Anyway, I'm not expecting guest, so why has so many waste? What my mom will called liao luwee lor. So when my super seasoned wooden pair of chopsticks seem about to give birth to another pair, I was more then delighted to get a pair FREE nice chopsticks lor. So good, No need waste money buy new chopstick liao. So happy.

So next time you go wedding and got free fork or spoon, give me hor, if you dowan wan. My rusty looking fork don't seems to taste well with maggie mee.


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