Monday, June 05, 2006

Something about it

For one who loves to eat fish, seeing them swimming around in schools is a kind of experiences. Beside having them on your table for meal, keeping them alive in the great ocean is different experiences. Or if you think along the line where your lunch and dinner were swimming past you. That is still another experiences.

2 weeks ago during my liveonboard trip, I got to see dolphines. Not up close but we took the speedboat to get closer to the playful mamnmals whom were jumping out of the water. Lost count of the figure but its nice to see them swimming in the wild, though I dun exactly recalling seeing even them in captivity. Nop I have not been to Hong Kong. Hmm, do we have them in Sillypore Underwater World? I can't quite recall it. Nevermind, if I can't recall it, its not important enough, I guess.

Turtle was sighted on the same trip though its not the first time I have seen it. But its always nice to see them swimming under the water. Yet to see the eggs though. Might go look for them one of these trips. Nemo was simply too abundant down there in our Northern neighbour's water. And the recent trip that I went over the weekend that just past, a big lobster was sighted. Its probably more than 12" and the first thing I had in my mind, was that my fresh lobster salad calling out to me.


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