Monday, July 03, 2006

The end of the hottie

The hot favorite for the world cup had exited the scene. Something kind of unexpected since samba players were performing much better than the Frenchmen since the beginning of the game. Oh well, as I always says, the ball is r-o-u-n-d. I was upset myself when Ghana exited the scene caused by the samba players. Hey, I was expecting the black brazilian to lift the cup hor. My last ticket at stake hor!

Something else that was more interesting was how a Frenchman bought a train ticket to travel all the way from Paris to London to place his bet of 10 grands euro bucks to the samba player to lift the trophy. The funny thing was that the frenchman never heard of a recent invention known as internet?

The English were going home. Great! I was at the club watching that match. Most of the people in the club were supporting for the English. Then again, I'm not too sure if their support for true support as fans or because of the ticket they bought. Although one of the ladies was supporting the boy-band face of Ronaldo, not the big fat samba player hor, its the young portugese talent though she would rather preferred the English to win. Why? Cause the boyfriend won the ticket for the English to win. Its ok. I'm more than happy to see English going home. I'm really thinking of giving my support to the Portugese for now. But they seems even to be having big problem scoring against the 10 men English side.

Byebye 10 grands euro. Byebye samba players. Byebye English. Welcome Portugese. Egg tart niceeeeeeeee.


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