Friday, January 28, 2005

blog block

Even before I start blogging, I even ask myself, do I have the energy to blog everyday like those big names like xiaxue, mrbrown, mr miyagi.

Actually this thoughts came across my mind long ago before I even read those people's blog. Maybe I will prefer to keep my private space private. Afterall, I'm not all out for any celebrity limelight. I need a space for all my thoughts and bitchingranting, that is if I can remember my thoughts. Old fart I am.

Just the other day, a friend was telling me that she has nothing to blog. I guess she has reach this blogger's block. I think in almost all form of activities, that is some kind of blog. In photography, I ran out of ideas and inspiration and touch. In salsa, I lost the touch to shine the girls and bring out better moves.

Today's topic on the radio seems to be on endangered species. Interesting. They are debating if iguana is allowed locally. I believe they are talking abt this. That reminds me, think got a friend bought that couple of years back when I'm still serving the country doing the boys2men service. I wonder how they taste like. I wonder.

So I'm thinking, if cucaracha, aka cockroach or even more fondly remembered as ka zhua or xiao xiang, are to go into extinction, will there be a lot of concern raised? I know if ants go missing, ant-eater siao liao(in deep shit) or even ki chia(up the lorry which is also the same as deep shit). But is there a species known as cockroach-eater that I wasn't educated about? Maybe. Earth is at least 4 billions years old. I am only 20+++ (10% service charge, 5% GST, 1% cess). What do I know? I still waiting for alien to appear.

Wow! World biggest cockroach found! This is bound to send many of the females I know of into a fix, a very serious one. EEEEKKKKKKK!!!! WAH! More than 4000 species of cockroaches exists on our planet and only a handful of them chose to share our dear home. Damn. If they start invading, I swear women will extinct first, follow by men.

Die xiao qiang. DIE.


Blogger Mr Miyagi said...

Mr Brown and Xiaxue's names very big meh? Hahaha.

30/1/05 21:49  

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