A new year, a new start
If ask what do I really hope for, there is way too many things in life that I want and hope for, and well, the keyword is hope, so its hope for lor. Less hopeful, less disappointment. Lessons learnts from numerous lessons through my entire life. Whatever bad things that happened is past means that whatever is past is past. Let it go, and look at the new coming year and work the best out of it. Dwelling on the past is never a good thing. Never is, never was, never will be.
But isn't it just strange that an incident left me devastated and took me a long time to recover from it, and when I finally thought I have did and look at the incident straight in the face, I no longer sense any of the sorrows anymore. I am so happy for myself. Good. Life moves on. I always tell people that. Advise are so easy to give away but so damn farking hard to swallow. Dunch ya not think so? And when I was listening to a particular song that is somehow related to the incident, which also happens to be a song that I really do like, the sorrows climb out from nowhere and tried to attack me. Well, I won't say that it succeeded nor it failed. But somehow I can still find the sorrow means that its not totally out of my life. And ops, that stupid sorrow basically prompt this entry, which I intend to look back 10 years from now or even longer, if I'm still alive and the server dun farking vaporized.
Nop, I ain't going to do any resolution this year either. I just find it stupid, for myself nia. I dunno about you people but I think I am most unlikely to do anything about it, so no point in hoping for anything nor wishing nor wanting. And nop, I won't make my resolution to get over the incident. Afterall, I believe time has done a good job for me, in helping me etched it away. But of course you people can continue to have your resolution and I will continue to pray for you, for you to achieve your resolution. But dun ask about which Big Guy Up There I will be praying to.
Whatever it is, I wish everyone a great new year ahead and enjoy the party for this weekend!
Have fun.