Sunday, April 23, 2006

Set the floor ablaze!

Caught the Burn The Floor performance this afternoon. Awesome is hte word for it. You don't even have to be a latin or standard ballroom dancer to fully appreciate it though it does helped a lot in understandomg and appreciating the moves better. As long as you love dance performance, you will love this performance. But of course, today is also the last day of the performance. If you missed it, too bad lorrrrrr.

Well, it did pay well to book your tickets early, having seats just 15 metres from the stage. But for dance performance, sitting too close isn't exactly a good idea. You had to move your head eyes across the stage very often, trying to look at everything. And still you were bounded to miss out something. My eyes had a very busy afternoon, scanning the stage very often, and looking at the all the naked half-nude men with washboard tummy, sexy hot bod ladies doing all the shimmy in the upper and lower body. Their shimmy were simply fabulous. Totally awesome.

Some people I know were not inspired to pick up latin/standard ballroom dances. Probably just like the movie Shall We Dance which would inspire people to pick up the dance, so does this. But this one was way much more enticing compared to the movie. The energy level, the spin, the flip, the turns. They were simply done with lotsa energy and grace and sharpness. Inspired that probably very soon, I will be seeing some people doing some of the moves at my usual salsa club.

Unlike Tango Fire where it was just focusing on one dance but in this, you were seeing more than 10 forms of dances, rotating between the latin and standard ballroom. Catch it if you got a chance, even on DVD. Its definitely worth it. No regrets buying a category A ticket. No regrets.


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