Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Why does all activities always linked back to girls
Something wierd is happening, or is it just me? Whatever I do,
Many many many cheesy months ago, met up with an old forum friend for dinner. So did a little catching up on life and such. So got updated that she was attached and then detached in the course of last and 2nd last meet up. Ok, the time different was huge so I guess its not that surprising. Then she will come to ask about my love life. Usual questions like how was it, seeing anyone and such. Then she will give me this look O.o when I told her that I din find anyone in the salsa scene. Hey, not my fault wahhhh. No means no lor. So she goes ya looking for beauty pageant winner ah.
Where got? I only asking for someone simple. Then again, I got smack in the head for saying that too. Simple yet I can't define what I really want. I have no goddamn idea. Ok, I'm half lying. Not that I find no one but rather, it is always the case that people I'm not romantically interested in are always around but people whom I'm interested in just ain't returning the response. Too bad for me, I guess.
Had some drinks with some kakis, people whom I used to hang very often in the past, last week. People whom I have a standard ritual every friday night, that was clubbing. Its like an unspoken rule, that we meet every friday night and go club. SMS that goes around only to determine the place. That was years ago, before I started my salsa. After that, somehow, things slowed down that I almost literally stop clubbing, and just spend my days salsa-ing away.
Now they see me, they always go asking where is my girlfriend. But I would have so many questions mark all over my head and I ask them, WHO is my girlfriend? How come I dun even know I got a girlfriend? Then they will question why do I salsa and they cannot accept the answer that I salsa coz I love the dance. They will only accept answers like I salsa for the girls and no, it ain't coming out of me. No way coz its not true.
Then I was told that people use photography to sian cha bor. Wah kauz. Once again, nop, I dun believe in that. I'm only interested in
So I started diving now. How far will I go? How much can I dive? I have no idea but I know its no cheap hobbies. Its going to be a strain on my wallet again. I'm so going to be so poor that been single is a much better idea. Commitment cost money. And I got another friend asking me the same old questions. Once again, I have to tell them, nop... no one of interest on the trip, and pleassse, I dun dive for the girls lahhhh. Its the marine life that I'm diving for. Did I mention that fish is one of my favourite dish?
Meet this colleague of mine while making way to book my advance theory driving(yesh, me no license and yeah, I'm doing the stupid test again). He went to apply for some flat that HDB has realise for walk-in. Very limited availablity but he was just trying to his luck. Again, he will ask me, when I want to settle down and such? Now its my turn to give back this look O.o and asked him why do I need to settle down? I am enjoying my casual life, and beside, I still cannot find my someone simple.
Another friend I chat with last night knew I went to catch Revenge of the Sith, and ask me who I went with. I know, once again, where this was going. I have to make an insistence that the who is a friend. Only thing is that it turns out to be a she. Period. Sometimes, things are best left unexplained as it could get worse by trying so hard to explain. 越描越黑. So the chat pick up that I was "complaining" to him that it seems like things are getting tougher in finding my right (actually left also can but which side of the left?) mate. With more hobbies on my list, moolah is abit of a problem and the interest too. If your partner does not share the same interest, its very easy that things will die down soon enough. I'm not ready to let it die down soon yet, not after spending my time and moolah and effort on them. Just not yet. So my friend offer his "condolence" to me.
him: somehow hor...hmmm...china bride?Why yoga master? Ask Mr Brown and his book. Or anyone wanna confirm this with me?
me: i reserve that for 7 years later
me: if im at 35, single and cant find anyone
him: haha heard the standard not bad leh...else can consider thai or viet? or mabe for the more exotic try tibetian!
me: tibetian like buay chio leh! wahahahhaa
me: heard yoga master gives very good sex! north indian? wahahhaha
him: wah lau u ah............ hahahahaha actually the best is go geylang...quite near your house rite? or was it near [insert name]'s?
me: [insert name] nearer but i also not that far! wahahahah
me: but go geylang gotta pay each time
me: u find a yoga master, u have them as often as u wan
me: without paying
me: i hope
him: get a gymnast loh
me: that i dunno
me: might jump ard too much
him: super flexible oso
me: yoga master and gymnast diff lah!
But one thing for sure, and they all agrees is that it cannot be just anyone. Finding the wrong one might just be the end of your
And I just found out that someone is
Monday, May 30, 2005
Long long time ago, in a far far away galaxy the wars of the stars had begun. It had created at least 2 generations of fans.
LOTR is said to have create a new base of fans, that is going to be far bigger than Star Wars attributing to handsome boys like Orlando Boom and Elijah Woods. But then in the first trilogy, you get Harrison Ford, and the newer prequel, you get Ewan McGregor. Still it seems the female fans are casting their votes for LOTR instead.
A movie long in the running, in fact its as old as me and its still growing strongly. Will you mark their words that this is the end? We shall see. When the temptation of moolah and fame is involved, i really doubt so. First we had A New Hope, followed by The Empire Strike Back, and concluded by Return of the Jedi. 16 years later, The Phantom Menace show up. Along then came Attack Of The Clones and finally(?) ends it off nicely with Revenge Of The Sith.
The first time I catches a Star Wars movie in the threater was back in 1999. I was totally in awe of the special effects. The CG was totally way cool. No one I can think of can surpass them. ILM. The granddaddy of its industry. I just expect it from them. They will never fail in that aspect. However, I must say the story was a big disappointment. A friend of mine even commented story? what story? where? on The Phantom Menace.
I skipped the next one in the cinema. I just watch it at home. And then I'm finally back in the cinema for the concluding episode of the prequel. Still I must say, the CG still is simplying amazing! No doubts about it. The story? Once again, I'm too disappointed. The night before the movie, I'm out drinking with some friends, and one of them was already giving me the spoilers. Well, anyway, I'm sure we all know Anakin is going to become Darth Vardar, unless and of course you are the 2 chaps in mention.
Spoken to 2 persons about the movie before I went to catch it. One says its really good and the other says its suck. If you ask me, I will say its so good that its sucks big time. Technically wise, its superb. Story and flow wise, I think it sucks. Need I say more on the tehnical aspect? ILM has a string of products that shown its capabilities, so I shan't bitch about it. They are good. They are that good. However, the plot and feel of the movie is not there. It is just damn flat. In fact, anything with dialogue that involved Hayden Christensen, I wish to be skipped. I'm so totally bored with it. Remind me of SWAT. Fast pace action movie but too flat. It fails to bring me on a ride up and down the adrenaline rush cycle. Sad case.
But I must say, the green lizard is an amazing thing. I absolutely love it. If I can pay to have a ride on it, I would. I'm sure riding that to work will be swift, delivering you to the door of your office. Scaling the skyscrapers on this greenie will be such a kool thing. Maybe that is the only exciting thing for me in the movie.
Things I hate about the movie:
- Padmé look uglier than before. Not sexy enough.
- Obi-wan Kenobi acted like some lost jedi master with Anakin around.
- Anakin just can't act.
- Where is the irritating Jar Jar Bin? Want him executed under Operation Code 66.
- There are too much science in the force.
- There are more things that I can remember :-P
Come to think of it, its quite worth it. $7 for a weekend movie that comes with food. Not bad. And to think you will bump into friends who went to NTU. You don't. But the friend whom I went with the movie with did. She bump into her NTU friends and it turn out one of them is my primary school friend! Kauz. Buy 4D also not so accurate lorrrrr. This primary school friend of mine was last met several years ago, when we are still boys. Before NS, you are always boyyyy wahhhhhh. Time truly flies. And its such coincident that this primary school friend of mine is also a classmate in Junior College with another primary schoolmate cum ex-neighbour and secondary school classmate of mine. Indeed. The world is this small. And that small.
In fact, when this primary school friend of mine first saw me, he kept staring me and I'm too busy eating the free food. Freeee food leh, where can dun eat? Luggiiiiiiii lor. My friend who was there with me just told him that he won't know me since I'm not NTU. I turned to look at him, go back to my food again. I did find him familiar but I can't exactly pinpoint until he said my chinese name. I was dumbfound. Only ancient friends knew my chinese name, and those ancient friends had lost contact through time! Only then I recall who he was. Cannot blame lah. Its been more than 9 years since I last saw him! And then now my other friend recall my chinese name. Shit.
Later after the movie, went out
End of dinner, I bump into an army friend with his wife. It left me thinking, if I am to bump into my polytechnic and degree friend, then I would have bump into a complete education circle of friends. Too bad. my 4D is never this accurate.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Fishes are friends, not food
Seeing fishes as your favourite dish served to you and having them swimming around you to a different experiences. Finally taken up my open water diving course after delaying it for more than dunno how many years.
Over the long weekend, went up to an isolated island of our northern territory neighbour. The journey up was tiring, especially when you missed your ferry and got stranded at the jetty for more than 5 hours. Sleep was not an option, since I dun like to just sleep for a short while and got disturbed.
Mistake. The short while was actually pretty decent enough to get some rest. Rest is very important, especially when you are a new diver. Did grab some rest when we finally board the ferry to make our way to the isolated island. But it was no good rest.
It was not very exciting when you feel very giddy,nausea and having bad headache after each dive. That was what happened for my 1st 2 dive on the first day. Between the dive, I just gotta grab as much rest as I can rest. My instructor attribute the sickness to new divers since new divers mostly cannot breathe properly. Oh yeah, all experienced divers will tell you that diving is about your breathing. How well you control yourself in the water attribute very heavily to your breathing.
When you dun move forward in a straight line but bouncing up and down as you move forward, its highly likely you will feel nausea. When you rotate in circles, you will feel nausea. When you accent too fast, you will feel nausea. When you have a lack of sleep and breathing so much compressed air, you
But once you can control it, its really amazing. Swimming freely in the water,
In fact, we were quite lucky for our course. Because there was only 2 of us, me and my course buddy, so things are done pretty fast. In simple words, everything chop chop finish. Do the skills chop chop, we can enjoyed faster. Actually we did. By the 4th dive, we were already going to a diving site that many people want to go and see but was often cancelled due to strong current and other factors. But luck was with
Really kool! Its worth the energy. Its really a beautiful sight underneath. Since there was a fair amount of leisure divers around, so my instructors let dive first. Me and my buddy were the last. But just seeing those people jumping off the boat and to get to the buoy point was tiring enough. Another open water course fella (from different school) was drift away, can't even make it to the buoy point. You won't understand the feel till you jumped in. I tell you, swimming against current was no joke, and if that is to be considered as mild. Actually once you manage to descend down, it was much calmer at the bottom.
My dive and I were pretty adventurous. My instructor went over to help out with the advance open water divers, so told us to go easy and just swim around and have fun. Wow. So kool! We are still on course and we can swim around liao! Steady bom pee pee lor! He just tell us to maintenance eye contact. We did! We jolly did. Me and my buddy maintenance eye contact. Instructor never mention the eye contact was with HIM wah. Not our fault wah! So we go disappearing on him on that particular dive, scaring him! We appeared and disappeared in front of him 3 times. So when finally back on land, he went nagging on us!
I had my night dive as well. Consider the fact that my first leisure dive is my night dive. But my night dive is not as fasinating. Did get to try a lot of things. But it is also during that dive that I learnt something. Divers taking up advance open water course doesn not mean they are better than you. Does not mean they hover better than you. Does not means they can maneuver better than you.
Marine life that I can recall seeing include a small turtle, plenty of nemo, stringray, bumphead, pufferfish, baracuda, and [insert color]-tip. Time to go reading on those fishes. Recognising them under water is also a good way to impress char boh, especially new divers. Ok, time to plan for my advance open water course.
Oh, did I mention that the is a very small world? First I meet an online friend whom I have not yet for eons at the diving school. He is a diving instructor with the school. Then during the trip, met another salsa personnel. Though I do not know him personally, but he's been
Friday, May 20, 2005
Thursday, May 19, 2005
A walk down memory lane I : b-l-o-g
What are blog?
a personal Web site that provides updated headlines and news articles of other sites that are of interest to the user, also may include journal entries, commentaries and recommendations compiled by the user; also written web log, Weblog; also called blogMany years ago, I was already thinking of setting up my own site to pen down my thoughts. I have many things running through my mind. And I forgotten them too easily just as well. I'm blaming the liquor and the mobile and the lack of sleep.
It is more than just about penning my thoughts. Not just to share with others, mainly friends in mind but also to like a form of diary, which I will look back again in times to come. Back when I'm thinking about blog, or rather, I call it a personal website then cause I have not come across this word, and not too sure if it has existed already then.
Just a few years back, I started to hear about existence of the word blog and people around me are getting into it. And soon it become the very next in thing then and still is now. Anything on the local papers are very out. By the time they report them in the papers, the existance of big names like mr brown have exist for eons in the blogsphere.
Lazy is my between-first-and-middle name. So my blog was never started for many years, and many train of thoughts lost, overrun, crash, drop, disappear. It just never did. I even took up the effort to setup an account on Livejournal but the entry just never got started. Not even a test entry. Only when I got my fat arse down, or was it up, to middle earth. I finally got it started. Wanna document my journey. And yeah, I have complaints that people thought I was lost since I entry suddenly stopped. Will update it after I manage to recall it.
Oh, of coz I'm talking about modern middle earth, and not the ancient one. If I ever get to the visit the ancient Middle Earth, I swear I will bring tons of HDD along me with me and snap away like there is not tomorrow. Then watch out for a photo of a fire-breathing dragon, if I dun get toasted first. Or even virgin nymph bathing by the river, with sunlight breaking through the clouds, and the unicorn next to her. Now, I believe that can be a breath-taking shot. It sure will take my breathe away. I'm referring to the unicorn lah.
So that is how my little closet blog started. And still it takes effort to continue........
But nowadays, you are seeing people shutting down their blog. Why? Just today, doing some casual surfing, bump into a blog entry, and it is talking about shutting down her blog. Her blog seems to be revealing too much about her inner thoughts. So she is saying that it is hurting herself and her friends.
But I ask you, then why you start writing all your inner thoughts in the first place? Remember that the internet is an open space. If you dowan people reading your thoughts, dun write online. Nothing cannot really be googled. Just know your right combo, you got your results. Even when I started my blog, I did not really inform a lot of people, except a handful of personal friends. After a while, even people whom I did not inform someone will still bump into it, and people whom I thought stop reading my blog was suddenly reading it again. Surprised.
So nowadays, blogging has become one in thing that what does it do for you? Why do you blog? Some writes well. Some writes very funny stuffs. Some writes inner thoughts. Some write so sophiscated that I catch no ballz. And good hits goes to sexy blogs. Dun ask me where. Go google your answer.
Just a while back, some big daddies are writing about how to increase hits to your site. But why are you doing this? You blog to show that you are kool? You blog to catch the babes? You blog to be part of a bigger group? You blog to entertain people?
I see a few trends, some common tactics in increasing your hits.
- Fark some big daddies and mamas big time. Spot all the flaws and fark at all the flaws. You are likely to be linked very fast by the big daddies mamas.
- Write technical support article, even better than those on the original help that comes with the product or services.
- Have your name mention by the daddies and mamas by ways to having them knowing you.
- Change your way of writing. Be funny. Be very funny. Funny until you got sex offer.
- Kena farked by time by the law, MP, ministers. Confirm, guarantee + chop that everyone, if not most, will check you out.
- Sex. Oh yeah, it sells well. 5000 years before and 5000 years later. No change.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Anti-counter moves
Got this email from someone long time back, and then receive it again. Oh well, I must be feeling naughty and bored at the same time. So let's get on with some anti-counter moves.
HE: Can I buy you a drink?Afterall, you are missing the big game, might as well drop in some worthy shot and who knows where you will be ended.
SHE: Actually I'd rather have the money.
counter_he: oh, how much do you charge then?
HE: I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.
SHE: I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.
counter_he: Kool, so shall we exchange services?
HE: Hi. Didn't we go on a date once? Or was it twice?
SHE: Must've been once. I never make the same mistake twice.
counter_he: It cannot be a mistake if I'm here for the 2nd time.
HE: How did you get to be so beautiful?
SHE: I must've been given your share.
counter_he: Then you should return me some favour for making you so beautiful
HE: Will you go out with me this Saturday?
SHE: Sorry. I'm having a headache this weekend.
counter_he: Did I cause it? Let me take it away from you then. What would you like to do then?
HE: Your face must turn a few heads.
SHE: And your face must turn a few stomachs.
counter_he: And do we turn to your place or mine?
HE: Go on, don't be shy. Ask me out.
SHE: Okay, get out.
counter_he: Your place or mine?
HE: I think I could make you very happy.
SHE: Why? Are you leaving?
counter_he: With you darling, of course.
HE: What would you say if I asked you to marry me?
SHE: Nothing. I can't talk and laugh at the same time.
counter_he: Then shall we just talk abt sex? Its more fun than marriage.
HE: Can I have your name?
SHE: Why? Don't you already have one?
counter_he: So I will know if you sound nice with my last name added in.
HE: Shall we go see a movie?
SHE: I've already seen it.
counter_he: Then let's not waste time. Your place or mine?
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Hiding from you.
counter_he: Such a darling, now that I have caught you, your place or mine as a reward?
HE: Haven't I seen you some place before?
SHE: Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.
counter_he: Why not? You must be missing me dearly now.
HE: Is this seat empty?
SHE: Yes, and this one will be too if you sit down.
HE: So, what do you do for a living?
SHE: I'm a female impersonator.
counter_he: Wow, I have yet to try one of those. Your place or mine?
HE: Hey baby, what's your sign?
SHE: Do not enter.
counter_he: By which entrance?
HE: Where have you been all my life?
SHE: Where I'll be the rest of your life in your wildest dreams.
counter_he: Then let it not be a dream baby. Come to papa!
Monday, May 16, 2005
Cloud Nine
It has been a long while since I meet up with my old khakis whom I used to hang out with every friday night for some booze-cum-dancing-cum-beo-charboh session. Some other stuffs simply just steal my life away, be it worth it or not. However, this very friday night when I went to join them, no dancing involved since one of them told me that he "want to save his soul", so I guess that boiled down to only booze and beo charboh.
Got a sms from one of them, asking if I'm joining them at half past 7, and surprise me, that was considered very early. Knowing their pattern, they are the kind of people they do not appear till after 10, unless and of cause we decided to go cheapolo to skip some kind of cover. Too bad I can't join them that early, only appearing somewhere after 10.
Upon arriving at the place, it is a little cozy bar next to some super hot and popular club, with queues that stretch out like people queueing for hello kitty dolls. I found the place, but I found no entrance. Its was covered up by the queue. I like the name of the place, but at the same time, remind me of major big company software as well.
Going into the place, I has to search for my friends since I recognise no one. Even though the place will probably only take me 10 paces, or a maximum of 15 paces to walk from one end to the other end. Told you its a small place. Still I can't find my friends till one of them tap me on the shoulder. Alas, I found them but seeing a beer tower on the table indicate a bad sign. It just means its going to be a lot a lot of booze. Damn I feel drunk already.
I guess the same thing happens which time someone appearing late at the scene. No need to talk. The first thing to do is to bottom up. Oh yeah. Bottom up. Not one. Not two. Its three glasses of beer at one go. No good. I hate anything with gas in it. No good. But what to do, late gotta tio hoot. Rules of the game. You dun obey, you jolly well stay at home and drink hot milk.
Within the hour, I have more booze into me than I have my consumption of booze for an average night out. For a moment, I am wonder why the hell are they so desperate trying to finish up the beer tower. Because it FREE FLOW till 11! No shit! Free flow beer? Now you gotta drink like there is no tomorrow. No such thing called mouthful. Its either half glass or bottom up. 2 acceptable level only.
At the rate of drinking, everyone will be in cloud nine way before the cow comes home. Anyway, the cow never goes home. I think they just gotta brutally rape by some bull somewhere along someplace. -blurp- They already have 4 towers before I arrive. Oh yeah, you can see the jolly faces of these people.
You know that someone has reach the top when they just kept talking about a single subject and refuse to change it even when everyone else wants to change it. It sure takes a lot more effort than any of us expected. It's a mogu. Its a bean bag. Its $46. Yes, we know. Change.
Finally we change it, and it become $46 worth of yo jit (kidney) soup. Damn, 46 is there to stay for the night. Someone suddenly have an urge for yo jit. Been on cloud nine, we put up a challenge to the person. If she can finish up $46 worth of yo jit soup, we pay for her yo jit soup. She is so going to get her yo jit soup.
After 30 minutes of bargaining, like those aunties in wet market who are trying to a cut a better deal for their purchase, we come to no conclusion. Even the boyfriend has no faith in her, and to lose at her boyfriend expenses is something the boyfriend cannot afford at the moment. And she feels the reward is not attractive enough. I grew tired of it the bargain. So I throw in my challenge. I got sick of yo jit soup. So I challenge her to $46 worth of kosong prata. Oh yeah, still 46. I have no idea what has 46 gotta do with anything, but since mogu started, we just let it carry on.
$46 worth of kosong prata is no joke. She is suppose to finish it all by herself. Even if I throw in her boyfriend to help her, I still have enough confidences to say she can't finish it. And since she wants monetary reward, I throw in moolah. Not $100. Not $200. Its $300 lor! Me lor! I must be mad. All thanks to the booze. All thanks to been on cloud nine. All thanks to 46.
Anyway, nothing happens in the end. The $46 stays in ante pot. $300 stays in my wallet. Good. The night ends with supper, or should I say that is my dinner, at one of our favourite joint for good frog legs, fried beancurd, and sambal potatoes leaves in a goldfish viewing zone.
I must remind myself to stopping throwing in my moolah on such challenge.
No good. No good.
ps - drunk dialing waste lotsa moolah
pps - the later the timing for drunk dialing, the better it seems
ppps - find the right person to drunk dialing
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Life is gr8
Life is great, dun you think so?
Many years ago, I will always been meeting friends in the middle of the night. I will always make it a point to rush home after work to feed
More often than not, we are alwayz meeting for late night coffee or even supper, on a regular work day (and its not even friday). More often than not, I won't be home until the date on my watch has jump to the next day. Some people can never understand how come I can go out and meet people in the middle of the night. And I always tell them that you don't meet them at that time, then how? Most part of it, it is a matter of you want or you don't want. Unless you are the kind of people who knocks out at 10 and need more than 8 hours of beauty sleep, else its never a problem.
But that is many years ago. Hardly doing that in the recent years since I have stop meeting the then regular kakis. Don't know what happened. It just happened. Things just seems to come to a stand-still. But last night got a sms coming through to me just when the date changed. Even my current sms tone still stuns myself a little. I have change it to one that is a highly attention seeking. Its fun to see people reaction to your phone cause it is not common that someone uses such tone. You want to know what is mine, send me an sms and u stand around to hear it.
Back to that sms again.
Its from a farker and it goes where are you now farker.
And I reply with Home.
And he reply with me with [insert name] now, talking about a ktv session with you farker.
Nabei! At that hour, ask me go KTV? Wah kauz! One is an army regular, so I believe that person must be on MC/leave/off/anything-but-awol. And the other one is self-employed. Oh yeah, I have such farker friends. Life is great.
Now? U cb! Why din msg earlier? Wah Kau farker seems like a reasonable reply.
And a few more exchange of blows, I'm on my way out to meet them. Great.
Afterall, I know that if I don't really make the effort to go out meet them, probably we wont be seeing each other for another millenium? Maybe.
And best when I arrived, mr army regular can go you dun need to work tomorrow? and just come out like that?. mr self-employed replied on my behalf coz he stay alone.
See what I mean? When someone is attached, meetups are reduced. When someone is married, meetups are reduce further. When someone becomes a father/mother/any-other-rank, meetups shaving close to zero. So you say lah, if I don't make the effort, how?
So I say, life is always great to have farker friends around.
Oh, the song (老鼠愛大米) is available at Party World. It is an internet song that is become very popular. Catch the flash mtv here. And yeah, you get the same flash MTV at the Party World. I must say, this the first time I see a flash mtv in a KTV place. Technology is a good thing. No longer are the days of "long" wait for the song to appear on your screen and at your favourite KTV place.
Monday, May 09, 2005
Seventh Heaven
Berlinda Carlisle sung the song Heaven Is A Place On Earth.
oh, baby, do you know what that's worth ?
Ooh heaven is a place on earth
They say in heaven love comes first
We'll make heaven a place on earth
Ooh heaven is a place on earth
Eric Clapton does Heaven In Tears.
Beyond the door there’s peace I’m sure
And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven...
Anywhere Like Heaven by James Taylor
It’s been a long way from anywhere
Like heaven to your town, this town
Ok, this is what happened after watching an epic. Kingdom of Heaven. And just so where is the kingdom of heaven? You got that in Jerusalem, the Holy Land of the Muslim and the Christian and the Jews and the who knows what. Sorry, religon and history ain't my forte. Everyone seems to love Jerusalem back in the ancient world. I wonder why.
Love it when Balian ask Saladin, how much is jerusalem worth and the reply is nothing.
Indeed it is worth nothing. As I always say, God is in your heart, not carry around by your mouth. Just as the buddhist has a saying buddha is in your heart( 佛 在心 中). I think it applies to all other religon as well. What matter most is the heart. You can do all the action and preach all you want, but if He, the Omnipotent, does not live in your heart, then all are for nothing.
I have not decided on any faith but I'm no atheist either. Been a taoist, buddhist, and christian before/after/whatever I seen it all. Ok, don't get started on any flaming on religon. I am not interested. Unless you wanna fire at me at a conversational level and no faith inclusive, then I consider taking you on.
The other phrase I do like from the movie is when Balian has to burn the bodies of the dead, and the priest is all against it. Balian's reply to the priest is really good. I can't remember the exact words (blame it on my failing memory and I blame it on the mobile and age) but it goes something like this
... god will understand and forgive us, and if he does not, he is not god, and if he is not god, there is nothing to worry about...
Beautiful statement I must say. In time of war, at the moment of the desperation, faith and morale is the deciding factor for war. In movies, in history books, in classroom, you seen it, you read, and its a fact.
There are several things that I kept me wondering as I watch the movie.
- Are italians called italians or rather the language they spoke during the 12th century?
- Princess can be slut and just throw them to you and commit adultry like its because you are more handsome and less disgusting and more in favour with the king, thy brother.
- And they who commit it are of christiandom.
- French can speak all languages, Balian can reach Jerusalem and then suddenly ask an old man on the street where is Christ crucified in supposedly french (though the movie is in english).
- Everyone in Jerusalem seems to speak one universal language, maybe I should attribute that to the magic of Xanth (interesting series if you ask me).
- If everyone in the movie is to speak their own rightful mothertongue, the whole movie might ended up in subtitles and many characters is going to have a lot of translator around.
- The only time you get to hear English is what the end of the movie, where the English meet the french (less than 3 mins, or is that 1 min?).
- Vegetation and crops appears almost in the very next scene after finding water source in an almost desert type dry land.
- Jerusalem got no good mirror makers (get the chinese!).
If you ask me -again-, I will say that this movie portray christian most as the bad guys. But still, everyone is fighting for a cause, and whether if the cause you are fighting is just, only you see it.
*Here comes the spoilers. So maybe if you hate this, then stop reading any further. Ops, I think you have finish reading by the time you hit this. Ops again.
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Ranting of the six-es.
A little note to my previous post on the silver-spoon-fed-peacock-nimkumput-brain. That the power of rumors and exaggeration do seem to blow things up, especially ya a character that everyone hates to love or/and loves to hate.
Even if there is nothing between the lines, somehow people will still try to scrutinize ya messages and read between the fine lines. i guess that is what happens when ya too prominent.
As a blogger, I just have to be more responsible about what ranting about although half the time, its rubbish that brings a smile to most faces. Yeah I do not have hits like mr brown or mr miyagi but still as a responsible person, I just have to face my conscience. There I go ranting again.
Women are a weird form of living creatures, then again we go weird men too. Hmmm, any inbetween can be weird too. Now, that is crap. Everything, anything, something, nothihg can be weird.
Women can be a hard thing to understand, compare to her opposite sex. Even so for our very own local sillypore women. Remember I was at a
I'm not like the meet-the-parents-suave ah lim. Not that I'm actually going after the daughter but having a father entertain me sure was interesting. The father is an easy going person, so topic is pretty light. Then out of the blue, I was asked on my views on our own sillypore ladies. Do I think that they are asking for too much or too demanding. Now how should I answer in a political way, knowing that her parents are not happy about her breaking up with her ex.
I think for while, then consider, then ponder and decide to give an answer that is from me and not the textbook. Hey, enough of been study smart though I'm not either.
I think our girls are asking for alot yet they do not have alot to give back.
I was expecting a look from the father that will say you-dun-have-a-lot-to-give-wat but I got an understanding-and-approval nod from her father. How nice it is to strike a cord with one's father but too bad, interest is not there. Religon is a big culprit.
While on a little trip up to the northern territory, had a little conversation with some friends. Someone mentions that an engagement ring should be at least 1.5 times the value of guy drawn pay. I only got one reply.
So is this too much? Or too little? Or is it just me? Love is not measure by moolah and statistic. But I also understand that you cannot just live on love. Bread is a must. Of coz lah, if not wat? Everyday eat air ah? Then you really S.I.A.O.
I have seen wierd act of women as well. On the same little trip, we are suppose to meet at the hotel lobby for some form of activities. As usual, there are bound to be people who will turn up late. What do you expect? You think army ah? Late, go sign extra. Late, go knock it down. Late, let the sergeant wait for you. Late then late lor. Friend wahhhh. Then turn up looking ordinarily plain. Then next month, she was having all her gears on. Sunglass. Hat. Accessories. And next action, proceed to toilet.
What? Toilet got fashion show running ah? Must put on full gear then can go toilet?
Ok, maybe they wanna if the gears are in the right place. Riiggghhhttt.
Women, object that you wish to have and when you have it, you wish you do not have it.
So a quote from dunno who that says that makes perfect sense.
Women are nothing but troubles, and men are nothing but trouble-seekers.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I spend my long weekend up in the northern territory, across the straits. Relaxing place, if you dun mind a leisure travel and relax place there, and not to talk about the jam.
The waterfall is nice but not overwhelming enough. But at least I see something for real instead of some water spitting out from the group like those you found many of the local shopping ground. A nice walk from the entrance to all the way into the waterfall.

You get to see some flights of stony steps with water running down it. Nice work, I must say.

I have spotted this along the climb up to the waterfall. I have no idea what that is. And the lady who spot it did not scream. Yeah, amazing, I must tell myself.
Along the way you get to see the like of this and this. Can be a relax and nice place to come down here with your special someone and soak yourself in there like they do. Even shops are like these are available there to
And at the end of the

We spend a night over at this nice cosy resort. And of course you get
So I left the chalet to let her have the whole chalet to her privacy, while the rest is preparing lunch outside the chalet. But still, she was quite freak out, and then, 1 more girl started to get freaky after she came out of the bathroom. Oh yeah, the last thing I wanted on a trip was freaky girls. Thank you. So I had to let the hero( 英雄) in me to come out and rescue the beauty (救美). I tried to catch hold of it and brought it out of the chalet. Its easy to squeeze it, but no, I'm not going to kill anything alive, or rather living things, excluding pests that I hate. That I-have-no-idea-what-you-call-that-reptile was clinging onto the wall for its small dear life. So after bit of pulling, it finally gave in and let go. Bonus points scored (the girls seems to be playing the points scoring system on us, or rather the other much more handsome gentleman). -shrug-
Even within the resort, it has its own miniature waterfall. How nice. So much water. The chinese must be loving it, since water(水) is moolah (财).
After dinner, we are heading for the firefly cruise. Yeah, I'm been suaku cause I never see before wahhhh. Its a nice sight. Everyone wears a life jacket for the safety and the boat cruise along the mangrove swamp. They boatman keep a distance between the boat and the those mangroves. And you see those mangroves lighted like christmas tree. It was a really wonderful sight. Once in a while, you get to see some fireflies fly close by the boat and passengers onboard will try to catch it. I was one of them. Somehow, towards the end of the cruise, a malay family
Its just nice to see a little LED lightbulb walking on your palm and arm. Ok, I lost mine before we hit back to the jetty. I had to let it go anyway since I can't find a bag to contain it. 3 of us catch one each and 2 of us let it go (ok, I let it go not of my own will but still, it disappear from my hand). One was brought back to our resort. This is the best that I can do on a shot of it. Poor lighting condition and having it inside a glass was seriously tough to shoot. No glow of course. It only glows under very dark condition. We tested that too. Switch off all the lights and slowly, the glowing lights come back again.
By then, some of us are already feeling guilty about murdering it. Fireflies have very short lifespan but we made it shorter. And to think we took it away from its natural habitance and for it to die in a foreign place(刻死异乡).
So sinful.