New me
Sometime life does get too boring that one will decided to do something
And yesh, finally done it on the sunday. I felt lighter. I felt colder. I felt naked. And then I went on the meet some friends for Dim Sum @ Li Bai. Arranged on Saturday night itself when I got some sudden urge for Dim Sum. When a friend suggested Li Bai, my instinct was 床前明月光,疑是地上霜...... the famous Tang Dynasty poet. Seems like they were a little shocked what I had done to myself. They kept asking what happened? And not just that, when I'm back in the office, I got just about the same kind of reactions, and some were simply... laughable. As I walked to my table, my AGM first looked at me, smiled, and then look away. And THEN he looked at me again, smile some more, and then laughed! Then he asked me where is my yellow robe! WAH LAO EH! The kopi auntie walked past my table and then retaced her steps and had a look again. Then as she delivered kopi to my boss, she asked my boss what had happened to me! Then my boss looked at me, and asked me that same question when he bumped into me at the loo.
Some colleagues walked toward me, stood there and looked dumbfounded by what stood before them. Many came to me and ask me what really happened. I even had my director's secretary walking to me, thinking who was this new staff. I put out my hand, offering a shake and said that I'm the new staff. Sighz. Its very tiring, ain't it so? I got questions like were you dumped?, something tragic happened?, were you going to Tibet?, are you going to be a monk?. I felt like hanging my answers on a board and worn it around my neck, saving me the trouble of repeating my answers to everyone. I got tired of it and start giving varying answers, among different groups of people. Reasons like I could go part time after working hours to help raise more moolah for my pocket, I wanted to increase my karma, I wanna get spiritual etc.

Now you saw it, that is the new me. No idea how long I'm gonna keep it that way. Probably do it till I got tired and wanna try something else, though I believed it would take a couple of months before I can play with anything new. Speaking of the monk and robe, my AGM's secretary was saying that she saw someone of that manner, sitting in one corner smoking away. My response to that was that cigarette was vegetarian and no laws in the buddhism society states that one was not allowed to smoke.
Maybe my new nick in the scene should be botak bish.