Sunday, April 23, 2006

Set the floor ablaze!

Caught the Burn The Floor performance this afternoon. Awesome is hte word for it. You don't even have to be a latin or standard ballroom dancer to fully appreciate it though it does helped a lot in understandomg and appreciating the moves better. As long as you love dance performance, you will love this performance. But of course, today is also the last day of the performance. If you missed it, too bad lorrrrrr.

Well, it did pay well to book your tickets early, having seats just 15 metres from the stage. But for dance performance, sitting too close isn't exactly a good idea. You had to move your head eyes across the stage very often, trying to look at everything. And still you were bounded to miss out something. My eyes had a very busy afternoon, scanning the stage very often, and looking at the all the naked half-nude men with washboard tummy, sexy hot bod ladies doing all the shimmy in the upper and lower body. Their shimmy were simply fabulous. Totally awesome.

Some people I know were not inspired to pick up latin/standard ballroom dances. Probably just like the movie Shall We Dance which would inspire people to pick up the dance, so does this. But this one was way much more enticing compared to the movie. The energy level, the spin, the flip, the turns. They were simply done with lotsa energy and grace and sharpness. Inspired that probably very soon, I will be seeing some people doing some of the moves at my usual salsa club.

Unlike Tango Fire where it was just focusing on one dance but in this, you were seeing more than 10 forms of dances, rotating between the latin and standard ballroom. Catch it if you got a chance, even on DVD. Its definitely worth it. No regrets buying a category A ticket. No regrets.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Social lubricant

Man I love this quote!

God made alcohol as a social lubricant. To make men brave, and to make women loose. -- Jack Houriskey in Just like Heaven
Ok, That doesn't make me a alcoholic. I just like enjoy my nice glass of whiskey, without someone calling me a alcoholic. Or having another person tellnig me that person who drinks are abusive to spouses. Abusive my arse. I know of people who don't exactly drink and yet abusive to wife, basically a wife beater.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Human make mistakes. Everyone does, at one time or another. We ain't no saint, are we? Like the wise old man says, 人非圣贤,孰能无过。One has to pay the price of the mistake one make. Irregardless of the price to pay, must face it with courage.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Horny Bastard

The world is always full of scandalous news, Sillypore has its fair share as well. But what amazed me more was not the fact that he raped his daughters but rather, he got 10 wives. Actually its 11 minus 1! How the hell can he do that? I always thought that malay + that religon allows up to 4, never knew you can hit 10 and more. And a greater shock was the fact that he can have 64 children. Would our gahmen used that horny bastard as a good example of their policy. 64 leh! I still haven't gotten over the fact that the horny bastard fathered 64 children! No shitting me. He was only 45 at point of verdict, and having 2 children in their 20s. How the hell did he feed teh family? If not for the incestuous crime, I would say he was one hell of a lucky horny bastard.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


知我者谓我心忧,不知我者谓我何求? - 出自《诗经.王风》


惠子曰:“我非子,固不知子矣;子固非鱼矣,子之不知鱼之 乐,全矣。”
庄子曰:“请循其本。子曰:汝安知鱼乐云者,既已知吾 知之,而问我,我知之濠上也。”
─ 《庄子·秋水》

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Dream [drēm]
  1. A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
  2. A daydream; a reverie.
  3. A state of abstraction; a trance.
  4. A wild fancy or hope.
  5. A condition or achievement that is longed for; an aspiration: a dream of owning their own business.
  6. One that is exceptionally gratifying, excellent, or beautiful: Our new car runs like a dream.
I had this dream like night. Isn't that bad. Too bad for you readers, I ain't going to describe what was going on in this dream. But then again, its nothing saucy nor scandalous. The person in the dream very so often terrorized me in real life. But inside the dream, it was so very different. A completely different person, I would say. Its kind of heartwarming. Weird. So very weird. And then the next best thing happened. My bed collapsed. This was no shit. My farking bed collapsed. Ok, not exactly crumbling into splinters but its the base that gave way and I was jerked up abruptly from my sleep... and dream.

Imagine waking up in the middle of the night trying to fix up ya bed, so as to continue sleeping. See? Now even my bed got terrorized by the person. Or maybe its some form of omenor premonition. Maybe something bad might going to happen to me. And guess what, I happened to be a little late for work today and whole half the world was looking for me. Something at work collapsed just as well. Damn. See, I just knew it. I knew Big Bro up there just hate me.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Shopping? Washing? Technology?

I was just shopping around for an electrical appliance on sunday. A washing machine. First time buying that in my life. And no, I am not getting married nor moving house. I just feel that my current washing machine wasn't cleaning my clothes very well. So I thought maybe I should just get myself a new one. But boy, I was a little appalled at the price. Is one grand that expensive for a washing machine? Seems like everyone was telling me that. Expensive shit. I think so, when I have a colleague who is getting married just at the end of the month for something less than 300.

Why do you think its so expensive? Not that its using some of the most advanced technology. Like some Samsung's Silver Nano. Or LG's Steam Technology. Just a normal washing machine. A front loader. I had used a front loader a decade ago and I do believe they clean better and I like the hot water features that comes with front loader type model. They seriously had so much new features now. Even this coin remover dispenser drawer. Amazing. I didn't know there was such a thing in washing machine. A decade ago, I do them manually.

But after looking around, I do find that indeed, its more expensive. Those front loader model. Damn. My heart was aching now, thinking about that grand on the washing machine. Nop, I had yet to buy. Still want to shop around and scout for the best deal. Its going to be a long weekend this week. So I guess I need to roam around to seek for some good deal. Any kind sponsorship?

Thursday, April 06, 2006

People compare people

Saying have a saying, that 人比人,气死人(people compare people, only further aggravate). There is always two side to a story, whoever is right depends on how one would want to follow the story. A colleague ex-colleague would always complain about how poor or 咸菜命 (salted vegetable life) she is. I would say how bad can she be? Just because she could not be shake legs at home and be a relaxing taitai or her peers are earning more than her? She can afford for holiday trips more than once a year. Having 2 cars at home. Holding branded handbag that can be a school kid daily allowances for months. I would seriously never to call them poor or 咸菜命 (salted vegetable life).

You see, when you compare, it all depend on who you want to compare with. If you choose to compare with someone at a higher level amount you, in terms of social standing or any other form of standing, then you will always be feeling lousy, and made oneself look stupid. However, if you would just for one moment and decided to compare with someone below you in the standing, then you would see youself more fortunate.

I know. Comparing upwards will cause someone to strive higher. I do not disagree with that. In that case, I think the world should take on Bill Gates and everyone be feeling lousy and poor, with only one person in the whole wide world to feel just doing well.

Even with myself, sometimes when I'm about to splurge on something, if my normal senses kick in before my physical action, I would think about if I really should splurge on it. I can make do with the moolah at more meaningful things. If you take life at an easier pace, life would be easy. No one ever says life is easy. Not even Big Bro up there. It just depends on what are you aftering and how do you want to see the way of your life. Having enough to feed yourself is good comparing to tens of thousands with no food in other part of the world. A roof over your head when you rest is good when compared once again to the ten of thousands homeless.

Don't start pitying yourself either. Just be happy. Another old wise saying 生不带来,死不带去(you don't bring them when you are born, you can bring them along when you die). Isn't that true? So why not just take a look, relax abit and enjoy. Slacking is not what I'm driving at either. But of course, it is always easier said than done. I too compare. But I'm try just as well to be happy and not to think too much of those luxuries. The rich have their own problems, so does the poor. So rather than be classified by rich or poor, why not aim for to be happy or not to be happy?

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

China production

China drama had improved so much now compared to just even 5 years ago. The amount of money they were willing to throw in. And of course, when you talking about period drama, especially those of dynastic war scenes, making it looked really real is a major plus plus point.

Everytime I mention those good production from china, especially those that contain war scenes that do not lose out to epic shows like Kingdom of Heaven and The Ten Commandments. The realism in the war scenes are most important. So now my latest drama that I had been spending my time with is Return of the Condor Heroes. The war scenes were excellent. The sceneries were even more breath-taking, many taken from the beautiful 九寨沟.

This was the same production team that did the excellent 天龙八部. However, comparing the two production together, I would say that Return of the Condor Heroes is a little disappointing but nonetheless still a good production. Of course, the most important reason is that she IS in it. That already is a good enough reason for me to watch that production. However, something I did differently for this drama. I seriously take my time to finish it, slowly enjoying it for as long as I could. Based on my past track record, I would be able to finish a 40 episodes drama in less than a week, and if started over weekend, I would had completed by the 4th day. Latest. But for this, I actually took over 2 weeks. What to do? Her production dun appear as often. And at the end of the final episode, its like a lost feeling. That something was gone already. How I miss 姑姑。

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Nice Voice != Pretty Face

I always wonder about this for a long time. Back during the times when I'm still schooling, wearing uniform and the police no longer wear shorts, I always listen to this radio station that spend more time talking than playing music. Those uncles and aunties that seems so free and full of complaints would just called in and complain, complain and complain. Anything. Everything. Though of course you cannot criticized the imperial family. You wouldn't be expecting that to happen over national radio, would you?

In my class, I'm the only fella who listen to that station. Cool man, I tell you. Just listen to complain uncles and aunties complained about anything is just so funny. Then of course, a couple of contests as well (I tried but just never managed to even call through, damn). Then I simply just hate the most popular station. I think the deejays' voices on the most popular station simply cannot make it. Then again, you listen to that station for music, not their talking, so it doesn't make, I guess.

Then later on, I came to seeing those nice voice deejays on magazine and was "a little disappointed" to see that ain't that pretty face. In fact some of them did belong to the uncles and aunties category. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. I listen to their voice, not see their face. Wanna see pretty face, watch tv lor! Playboy also got a lot of pretty face, I heard. FHM haven't exist during that era yet.

And now looking at people around me, it not easy to find those with pretty face together with nice voice around. Most of such combinations are probably shown on TV already. Me? I was told to have nice voice. But I sucked terribly at karaoke sessions and I mostly turn that nice voice off these days. Turn on for wat? Waste battery.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Was talking to a friend and the following conversation take place

him: How do you fight loneliness?
me: Do I look like some Love Doctor to you?
him: Nop, but you have been lonely for so long, maybe you can give me some insight.
me: ...

I was seriously comtemplating borrowing the butcher knife from the chicken rice stall.

me: Frankly, I have no idea. I only know that you can run, but you can never hide. If it comes, then I guess you just have to let it overwhelm you abit. Then move on. Its ok to have pms + period. They are no propretary to the ladies only.
him: So I guess its also not a good to fall in love?
me: Errr, I think so. Quoting from a friend "喜欢不是爱, 爱不是喜欢, 多少人嫁给喜欢, 多少人没娶到爱, 太多人只敢喜欢, 不敢爱!" (like is not love, love is not like, how many has marry to like, how many has marry to love, too many people dare to like, not love).
him: Cheemalogy.
me: Well, if you think that is so going to happen to you, keep yourself away from the person. It helps. Avoid contact with that person. Loneliness do makes you fall for someone easily. It might be like, not love. And if things heading the wrong way, it might be too late to pull out. As I always says, alimony is VERY expensive.
him: ...
me: Its like an kind of preventive measures for youself to fall for someone you really don't wish to fall for. It do sound weird but it do happen. Imagine this, falling for a close friend. Now, that is how things start going downhill.

him: ...
me: Again I am not Love Doctor. This is just what I think. You are welcome to use them. No charges for it. Maybe you can pay for my teh-o though.
Yeah. So it got me thinking too. And I do believe that loneliness do make one fall in love easily. As with my friend's quote, I do have to agree with that. Like the song, Mr Lonely, goes Lonely I'm Mr Lonely, I have nobody, For me ownnnnn.... No one like to be lonely.

I do recalled back during my school days, how I disliked school holidays. I missed all my friends. And my school holidays, nothing production actually take place. I only have two options. Either I go part time for a relative who will seriously pay me peanuts or I choose to stay at home and do nothing but eat, sleep and play games. So when school reopened, I was so happy that I could go back to class and chattered nonstop again. Every class needed some joker, else it would so be very boring, ain't it so?

So now, you found your love? Or is that just your like? Are you married to your love or your like?